You wouldn’t buy a new coat without trying it on, or a new car without at least sitting in it and starting it up! So we would prefer you to come to us and test drive a few bows and see the options available. We can make sure that you get the right advice from the outset and show you where to spend and where to save your money so that you get the most out of your set-up.
We don’t sell on the internet or do mail order which also means we are often cheaper than online stores and we will endevour to beat their prices anyway!
We are a local shop providing you spares, repairs and new equipment face to face with free advice and the opportunity to get a feel for what you are buying on the range! If there is something that you are not sure of then check out our FAQ page or get in touch.
We stock a variety of types and price ranges of take-down bows, compound bows and more traditional one-piece bows, and will do what we can to help you find the right-one!
While we stock many brands (see at bottom of page) buying a bow is not as simple as it first sounds. We will help you avoid the pitfalls of a standard package and let you find the right combination of equipment to suit you and the style of shooting you prefer.
As qualified and experienced coaches, we will spend time with you (at no extra cost) discussing your requirements and allow you to try out various options on our shooting range to find out what suits you.
For new archers we can help you with your first set of limbs that won’t break the bank. We recognise the importance of finding the right bendy bits for your bow to get you going and develop your newly learnt skills. We also know that you will quickly progress in your early archery career and you will soon want something with a bit more performance and higher poundage. So we can advise on what is right for you and your budget.
As an experienced archer you will recognise the difference in limb types and might want a bit more from these. We stock a variety of limb types and brands to suit you. If you want that little extra from your next set of bow limbs and are looking at carbon limbs, we are also an authorised dealer and stockist for Uukha and have demo limbs available to try.
Arrows are a bit more complex than asking for a long arrow with pretty feathers. You need the right size, type and must calculate how bendy that arrow is to suit the bow you are intending to shoot it from. While there are manufacturer charts that will give you initial guidance, it’s never that simple!
We make arrow buying simple and provide a free arrow measuring service. We will work out the best size and spine (how bendy it is) to suit you and your bow and will make each set specifically to suit you and your needs…and just as importantly the right colour!
We stock Easton aluminium arrows in a variety of price ranges and sizes from the basic arrows that you use in our classes right up to competition Carbon arrows. We can get many others to order, so do ask if you are after something specific.
We also have a lot of experience of setting up Scout Groups and Clubs with varying sizes of equipment, and can provide you with an informed choice on what will suit you and your budget.
We have an extensive choice of equipment to ensure that you can find something suitable for you!
We stock a variety of the items that you are likely going to need or may just want to add to your set-up as well as all the spares that you might need if your arrows are getting a hammering from some excellent close shooting!
We stock a range of tabs, quivers, bags and much more…the list is too long to write them all down here, so come and take a look.
Should you need some equipment fixing, or merely want your arrows shortening or your piles or nocks changing, take a look at our workshop page.