When you buy a bow package from us, we will be pleased to set this up for you and walk you through this, along with a tune-up of your new pride and joy at no additional cost.
If you buy any additional components then again we can help you get this added to your bow.

If you need some help with your existing equipment we will be happy to help, but please do consider that you may need to leave equipment with us during busy times so that we can take a proper look at your kit.
As you will no-doubt be aware, there is no factory reset on archery equipment and sometimes your bow or some equipment just needs a bit of experienced TLC to help you shoot it as expected. Our tech-support won’t tell you to switch it off and back on again, but we will be happy to help. We will of course provide you with a full detail of potential costs before we complete any work.
Some examples of our tech support and potential labour costs include:
- Compound bow service c£45
- Compound alignment/set-up c£20
- Peep sight or D-loop fit £6
- Recurve tune/alignment c£25
- Arrow repairs from £1